Les J. Hill (612) 867-0104, Email - Book Appointment
Jesus Fish

Les J Hill, Creative Integrity Coach

After over 23 years of sales, business development, and sales training experience, Les J Hill discovered that his passion was to help others create positive results in their personal and professional lives. Since the birth of Les is More Coaching in 2005, Les has helped more than 5,000 people meet their goals and make the impossible possible!

Les' Background

Les lived in England and France until he came to America when he was 12-years old. After finishing school, he enlisted in the U.S. Army serving for 5 years.  He spent most of his career in the wine industry, working for a major liquor distributor as their “wine guy” and eventually becoming a Certified Sommelier.

Les learned while living in Europe that a good glass of wine, paired with the right food, could enhance conversation and communication. Now, he pairs his military experience, his expertise in food and wine, and his passion for helping others to meet their goals in both life and business. In his unique Keynote meetings, communication luncheons, small group breakout sessions, and dinner events, Les creates a memorable and deeply motivational experience.

Les takes a holistic approach to coaching your business and personal life, giving you the tools to communicate with integrity, resolve conflict, and experience business, financial and personal freedom!

Mission Statement: Transforming the world through communication.
"Our chief want is someone who will inspire us to be what we know we could be."
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Creative Business & Personal Coaching

Les offers several options for coaching, training, and motivational speaking sessions, including:

Business Coaching: Work face-to-face with Les to articulate your goals and create a plan to achieve them.
Executive Coaching: Learn to integrate proven communication tools into your leadership team’s approach .
Sales, Customer Service and Personnel Training:  Give your employees the tools to interact better with each other and with your clients, creating an unstoppable workforce.
Lunch and Learns: Take a fun and relaxed approach to communications training with short but effective lunch workshops.
Dinner Events: Pair good wine and great food with leadership and communication tools.
2 – 3 Day Seminars: An immersive experience for the company who desires a compressed time frame.
DISC Personality Test: Find out what makes you tick so you can be a more effective leader.

Whether your budget is for a one-hour workshop, ongoing coaching, or a major dinner event, Les will design entertaining and educational curriculum to take your business to the next level!
A Holistic Approach to Executive / Business and Personal Coaching
Les takes a holistic approach to coaching to your business or personal life, giving you the tools to communicate better, resolve conflict well, and experience business, financial and personal freedom!

24 Hour Bible Study

Who We Are - Welcome to the 24-Hour Bible Study Club on the Social Media App, CLUBHOUSE. We bring together all faiths and walks of life to talk about the Bible and other religious works of literature, sharing how we all come together under one God. We have 25 to 50 rooms a week where we connect Christians and people of other faiths to support your daily walk-in faith. We bring together people from all over the world countries like Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, India, Egypt, Russia, Saudi Arabia, England, Africa, Norway, South America, Canada, China, Japan, and of course all over every state in the US.

Our Mission - Respecting all faiths through authentic love, we come together to teach responsibly and radically empower spiritual growth through integrity.

Our Vision - Lives transformed through teaching business, sustained living skills, flourishing organic farms that are providing spiritual food for the soul.

More about 24 hour Bible Study here...

A Certified Personal and Business Coach You Can Trust

Les received his coaching, training, and certification from the Zig Ziglar Corporation. He also brings several years of intense training and certification from other organizations to his Coaching and Keynote Speaking engagements.
Contact us for more information.